How to Register
Logging into your account
To log in, go to the My Orders – or Orders link at the top of any page. Or simply try to place an order and it should prompt you to log in if you’ve used the same email address as before.
If you’ve added something to your cart, and have not logged in, it will prompt you to log in if it’s an email address it recognizes.
Username and password
When you register for retreats, or order items from the catalog, you will be making a user account. When you choose a username and password, please record these for future use.
If you have already paid for an item through this website, you have a user account. If you don’t recall your username, email address used (or it’s changed since then), or password, please Email Julianna for the username if the email address does not work. From there, you can reset your own password if you’ve also forgotten it.
Password Reset
When you’re in “My Account” screen, to request a password reset, note the red circled items in the next two images.
Retreat Registration not working?
If you do not receive an email confirmation that you’ve registered for a retreat, receive an error message, or it takes too long for credit card processing, the order is probably still in your account. If it still shows in your Orders, please try to send it again. You will not be double billed.
Step One
Registration Page
Be sure to select which type of attendance, at the drop down menu “Attendance type.” This will enable the “Deposits” at the bottom of the page. (More on that later)
Step two
Make all required selections. If you choose to pay only the deposit, this selection is at the bottom of the screen and appears only after selecting Attendance type at the top of the page.
Step 3
Cart Review Page
Read carefully if all selections are correct (sample cart review below) and if you only chose deposit, it will list the amount (circled in red). Select Proceed to checkout for all other payment types.
1Step 4
Checkout page
If you’re a new registrant, you won’t see “Returning customer” (in Diagram 1 below). But if you’re a returning customer, you already have an account login. You must be logged in to proceed to pay.
Click on “Click here to login” (circled in red) – it’s required if you’ve made a purchase through the Joseph Plan website in the past.
Diagram 1 below
As a returning customer only, once you click to login, it will take you to this screen. You can choose for it to remember your login. If you have forgotten your password, you can click “Lost your password?” Follow the directions it will send in your email.
Diagram 1
Step 5
Checkout page payment
Check all information, then fill out your payment details. Check the box “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions *“, then click “Place Order.“
Step 6
Payment confirmation
You should be taken to a confirmation page and receive an email confirmation at your registered address. If you did not receive an email confirmation, the registration did not complete and you will need to return to your cart and try again. If you’ve received an error message, contact Julianna.
Thanks for registering!
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