Tara Singh Biography

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—Tara Singh

Tara SinghTara Singh was known as a teacher, author, poet and humanitarian. Born in 1919, he spent the early years of his life in a small village in Punjab, India. From this sheltered environment his family then traveled and lived in Europe and Central America. At 22, his search for the truth led him to the Himalayas where he lived for four years as an ascetic. He described this time as his outgrowing of conventional religion, where he discovered “that a mind conditioned by religious or secular beliefs is always limited.”

He subsequently responded to the poverty of India through participation in that country’s postwar industrialization and international affairs. He became a close friend of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and other great leaders who helped to frame India’s constitution.

After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, he came to America to observe the impact of science on society and to learn how technology could benefit a free India. Even though he had less than three years of formal education, he met and associated with key thinkers, leaders and educators in America. Eleanor Roosevelt, Pearl Buck and Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, among others, helped introduce Mr. Singh to the West. Living in New York, he served as an executive of C.A.R.E., refusing to accept a salary although he himself was often without funds.

It was during the 1950’s, as he outgrew his involvement with political and economic systems, that he became inspired by his associations with Mr. J. Krishnamurti and the teacher of the Dalai Lama. He discovered that “humanity’s problems cannot be solved externally.”

He became more and more removed from worldly affairs and devoted several years of his life to the study and practice of yoga. The discipline imparted through yoga helped make possible a three-year period of silent retreat in Carmel, California in the early 1970s.

As he emerged from the years of silence in 1976, he came into contact with the contemporary scripture A Course in Miracles. Its impact on him was profound. He recognized it “as an answer to man’s urgent need for direct contact with Truth.” There followed a close relationship with its scribe, Dr. Helen Schucman. From then on, the Course was the focal point of his life.

His love of the Course inspired him to share it with thousands of people in workshops and retreats throughout the United States. He recognized and presented the Course as “thoughts of God” and correlated it with the great spiritual teachings and religions of the world.

From Easter 1983 to Easter 1984, he conducted the One Year Non-Commercialized Retreat: A Serious Study of A Course of Miracles. It was an unprecedented, in-depth exploration of the Course. No tuition was charged.

For over 30 years, Tara Singh worked with students on the issues of inner transformation. His work was described as “a call to wisdom” and encompassed the ancient knowledge of the East as well as the ethics of America’s forefathers. In his teaching, he shared his inspiration for the truth he found in all religions and for many great beings who brought light into the world.

He was the author of numerous books, including A Gift For All Mankind, “Love Holds No Grievances,” Awakening A Child From Within, The Voice That Precedes Thought, How to Learn from A Course In Miracles, and Moments Outside of Time. He has been featured on many audio and video recordings in which he discusses the action of bringing order into one’s life, freeing oneself from past conditioning, and living the principles of A Course In Miracles.

In 1993, Mr. Singh founded the Joseph Plan Foundation, a non-profit educational and charitable foundation dedicated to inspiring individuals and the general public to achieve fulfillment through service.

Known for the wisdom he freely imparted, he is remembered for the virtue of a noble life and the lasting friendship he openly extended to all he met.


Touched by the memory
of God,
we are here
to change the destiny of stars.

The memory of God
is an impeccable space
intact within each one
guarded by His Grace.

The remembrance is not verbal.
It is a Presence.
You attain it not through learning.

Every time you love another
it is in remembrance of God.
When you are transformed
the whole world is affected.

Once your eyes are open
you see the perfection in everything.

You are never part of
the idiosyncrasies of another person,
for you do not relate at that level.
You relate from a state of love
in which both become one.

Do not ever underestimate yourself
– that is a denial of your glory.
Nothing exists in this universe
that is not to serve you.

All the benedictions of Heaven
are upon the person
who wants to discover the perfection
within himself. Tara Singh

Audio and Video Excerpts

Silence Within | Your Gift to the World (A Short Excerpt), by Tara Singh
from a retreat on A Course in Miracles

DVD available

Is it Possible to Rest the Brain? (A Short Excerpt), Audio by Tara Singh
from a retreat on A Course in Miracles


Audio available

Articles — by Tara Singh

Goodness is Who You Are

The Course awakens awareness. When you make contact with the timeless reality of yourself, there is a miracle: you are clear. In clarity there is goodness. In goodness there is certainty. And your only expression is of gratefulness that life is kind.

Changing Within

We must find the resources to change within ourselves, rather than expect to correct the mighty system.